2 Week Breaking Trial



I voluntarily registered for dance classes, events, workshops, activities, rehearsals, productions and/or performances provided by The Alchemy Breaking Academy LLC and acknowledge that I am increasing my risk to exposure to the Coronavirus/COVID-19. I acknowledge that DANCE CLASS WAIVER / RELEASE FROM LIABILITY, WAIVER OF CLAIMS & ASSUMPTION OF RISK I agree to pay all participation fees. I, on behalf of myself, my heirs, executors, agents, assigns, and representatives, hereby indemnify, release and forever hold harmless The Alchemy Breaking Academy LLC., as well as its directors, employees and instructors, from any and all claims of liability arising from any accident, personal injury, death, the acquisition of any infectious diseases which could lead to personal injuries or death through direct or indirect contact, property loss or damage sustained by my child/myself/the minor child for whom I am a legal guardian, while that person is participating in activities connected with The Alchemy Breaking Academy LLC., including classes, rehearsals, performances, or other activities. I understand that dance activities have inherent risks of injury, and, being fully aware of all risk, I consent to have my child/myself/the minor child for whom I am a legal guardian, participate in the programs and activities offered by The Alchemy Breaking Academy LLC, and I accept full responsibility for providing adequate health and accident insurance coverage for the protection of all of the following who participate in these programs/activities: my child/myself/the minor child for whom I am a legal guardian. By signing this statement, I declare that the aforesaid participant is in good health, with no physical conditions that might prevent his/her/my participation in strenuous and rigorous dance activities and other training and performance connected with Breaking. Further I understand and acknowledge that because of the physical nature of DANCE, there may be physical contact between directors, employees, staff, company members, instructors and students during rehearsals, shows, workshops, productions, and especially during dance instruction. I understand that at times for proper instruction and safety, physical contact is required and necessary. I have carefully read this Agreement, Waiver, Release, & Assumption of Risk and fully understand its contents. I understand that this is an assumption of risk and release of liability, and I sign it of my own free will. I also authorize The Alchemy Breaking Academy LLC. to use photos and videos of my child/myself/the minor child for whom I am a legal guardian for promotional purposes. If I am signing this in my capacity as the legal guardian of a minor child, I authorize The Alchemy Breaking Academy LLC to use photos and videos of the minor child for promotional purposes.  I acknowledge the contagious nature of the Coronavirus/CoVid-19 and that the CDC and many other public health authorities still recommend practicing social distancing. I further acknowledge that The Alchemy Breaking Academy LLC has put in place preventative measures to reduce the spread of the Coronavirus/CoVid-19. I further acknowledge that The Alchemy Breaking Academy LLC can not guarantee that I will not become infected with the Coronavirus/CoVid-19. I understand that the risk of becoming exposed to and/or infected by the Coronavirus/CoVid-19 may result from the actions, omissions, or negligence of myself and others, including, but not limited to, staff, and other students. I must comply with all set procedures to reduce the spread while attending my dance class, events, workshops, activities, rehearsals, productions and/or performances.

I agree to terms & conditions provided by the company. By providing my phone number, I agree to receive text messages from the business.

Alchemy Breaking Academy's mission is to empower

and provide a positive outlet

for the youth.

The Coaches

Our Story

Alchemy is a combination of four partners, Brothers Etienne & Guillaume Carreira, Kareem Gwinn & Alex Delgado. Starting as a program in 2019 and has now morphed into owning their own studio at 5154 W Patrick Lane suit 110A. They have all been professional dancer & Bboys for well over 20 years with accolades such as Cirque Du Soleil , The Jabbawockees, STOMP, Usher , Jennifer Lopez and more. They have performed in over 63 countries and have won almost every major Breaking event in the world.They are passionate about sharing their experience and knowledge with the next generation.

Latest Academy video

Voted 2x Educator's of the Year

(2021 & 2023)

Our Students compete regularly

in local & nation competitions to

build confidence and experience

© 2024 | Privacy Policy

5154 W. Patrick Ln. Suite 110a

Las Vegas NV 89118

(702) 559-1803